Solved: Execution failed for task ‘:app:installDebug’ | task app installdebug failed

execution failed for task app installdebug

execution failed for task app installdebug

Error Message

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task app installdebug Execution failed for task ‘:app:installDebug’. > No connected devices! * Try: Run with –stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with –info or –debug option to get more log output. Run with –scan to get full insights. * Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 3m 49s error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details. Error: Command failed: gradlew.bat app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081

What task app installdebug failed?

    The task app installdebug failed happen in when it cant install the build apk on your device. This might be due to because your device  is not connected or emulator is not running. Somehow the point is that apk was built successflly but it cant install the app. It might be because you have a higher version of same apk already installed on the device or emulator!

Possible solution for this problem

  1. Ensure that device is connected successfuly to PC
  2. Check if emulator is running.
  3. Check if USB Debugging is enabled
  4. Check for loose connection
  5. If you have already installed application, please uninstall application and try

The best solution for Execution failed for task app installdebug

The best solution is for you to install the emulator. Download genymotion or any other emulator. Once the emulator is opened you can start the build process of application. This way application will auto start on the emulator. You can always use the built in emulator in the android studio also. While choosing emulator type, ensure to chose a emulator that have playstore installed. Mostly pixel devices will have google playstore pre-installed. While you are also do check out Execution failed for task ‘:app:mergeDexDebug’ | execution failed for task appmergedexdebug. Also check How to upgrade to windows 11 without loosing any data

The Ultimate Guide: Backup and restore drivers


Backup and restore drivers

Backup and restore drivers


            Its always important to have a backup of your pc or laptop drivers. We all are always trying to limit our data plan and to spend less. In this article your are going to learn how to backup and restore your drivers. Ensure you can always backup and restore drivers easily.

This will be super helpful when you are about to format your PC for any reason. And also, sometimes you might not have the driver CD or even find the best compatible driver online, that’s the time you need to use this method.

While you are here at Zaarm Tech    Do check out how to reduce multiple photo size at once without losing quality


Why we need to backup and restore drivers.

  • We don’t have time to download all drivers
  • It will impact our data plan.
  • We might not find the suitable driver online.
  • Easy installation in minutes.
  • Restore if anything happens

STEPS: to backup drivers

  1. Download double driver LINK: Double Driver
  2. open double driver and scan your pc for the available driver.
  3. Select the desired drivers to backup
  4. Click the Backup button.
  5. Click restore button to restore the driver
  6. Select the folder that contain the backup
  7. select ok and proceed with installation

Lets see how to backup and restore drivers

A story from my personal experience about driver

In 2021, I started to work as a IT Technician on an organization. During my time, I was tasked to connect a display to a PC using USB TO VGA adapter. As a normal technician, I connected the display using the USB to VGA adapter. However, It was not working. I realized it should have something to do with driver. So I installed the driver from their website. It was a perfect match, but somehow that PC started crashing cannot always go to startup repair screen.

To solve the issue, I had to format the PC. Later I used double driver to copy the driver from another PC which already is connected using the USB to VGA adapter. And finally, It worked fine. So its better to backup the drivers and use it on compatible PC, instead of trying new ones from the internet.

while you are here, also check How to upgrade to windows 11 without loosing any data

What if I cant find the driver I need?

This is a common issue for many people. Somehow double driver also did not find the driver you are looking. It’s rare, But it might happen. So let me tell you what you need to do if you ever face a situation like this.

Instead of randomly google searching for driver, you need to care fully identify the manufacture brand and go to their website. Once you reach their website head over to download section which will most probably be under the support section. Once you go their most likely you can enter the model number of the product. This way they will show you the real and updated driver for your PC. It’s not recommended to install drivers from websites that are not original manufactures.

Is there any software that will help me find the drivers?

There are software’s that you can install on your PC and it will search for the driver based on your system hardware specifications. But the downside of these software’s is that they all come with a pricing. Of course, they have a free package, but it wont cover it all. One of the famous software for this is Driver Boosters

Whats windows server? Everything you need to know!

Whats windows server
Photo by Christina Morillo on

Whats windows server? What you are seeing above is a picture of many servers. It might be running any kind of server. But today we are going to cover basic of windows server which is mainly used by small business and organazations.

Windows server is a operating system released by Microsoft. The windows server is mainly used by offices to manage their employees. The latest version for windows server at the moment is windows server 2019. It includes a lot of features and helps you manage the users pc’s.

Also check about STEPS: Uninstall a font in windows 10 and

Why windows server!

Windows server is actually useful because of its user friendly interface. Most probably any administrator who can manage windows 10 also can manage windows server. In windows server you can create something called active directory users and join those users to the domain you use. The important part of this is that after joining the windows server you can manage that particular PC with the server manager. You can impose any group policy to the group of users want. This includes restricting their some permission and setting a default background for the users.

Whats DHCP in windows server?

DHCP stand for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. That this does is that whenever you connect a pc to the domain it will give the ip address based on the policies that you created. So we don’t need to configure each and every pc. You can give a specific ip based on the users mac-address. When you can the clients ip address you can perform lot more operation like limiting bandwidth and all.

What are the features of windows server?

Let me list our the features of windows server and explain them later in this post

  • Windows Admin Center
  • Enhanced Security
  • Containers
  • Wlan
  • Active Directory
  • System Insights

I could list out endless features of windows server, but let me tell you what it do briefly. When you try to login to your windows PC at office, unlike home it will ask both for username and password. This is managed by windows server. And when you try to connect to office Wi-Fi, you are asked to enter identity and password. So everyone enter their own identity and password. When you try to access files on office server, some are restricted and other are not restricted. All these are most likely implemented by windows server.

What information can IT admin see, Will they see what I have wrote for my password?

Just like any authentication provider, Windows server also keep its users password encrypted. This mean your IT admin also cannot see what you have entered as password, but they will be able to change your password or disable your password at any time.

When you browse wifi using the credentials of windows server, IT admin will be able to track the network usage. They even might log the websites you are visiting. But they also wont be able to see what your texts or email sent IF YOUR WLAN NETWORK IS ENCRYPTED

SOLVED: Your website is having critical error – WordPress

This is a common problem that most of the wordpress developer’s face. When you try to access your admin panel you will be seeing a message saying that “You website is having critical error – WordPress”. Well not just the admin page, sometimes when you try to visit any page or homepage of your website you might face this issue. Cleary something has happened! Lets find out

Your website is having Critical Error
Your website is having Critical Error

Why it happened!

Usually this is happened due to a change in your files, specially your plugin. It might occur when you update a plugin or delete a required file. So always keep in mind about this! The good news about this error is that you can get your website back. You just need to undo the changes your have done. You might say I have not changed or done anything. But this happened! yes It will, The common case is that when you enable automatic updates. For example a plugin might have updated to the a version that is not compatible with the version of your WordPress.

STEPS: Solving your critical error

  1. Navigate to login page for your dashboard using the url
  2. Check your wordpress admin email inbox for the link to your RECOVERY_DASHBOARD. (Check spam also)
  3. Open the mail and go to the link specified
  4. Login to your dashboard
  5. Navigate to plugin section
  6. Check for the plugin with error. (It’s in red color)
  7. Deactivate the plugin

Watch the vedio tutorial

Well, I did not receive any mail, but it says “You website is having critical error 

First thing is not to panic. If this happens another way to solve “Your website is having critical error” is by using ftp. What you need to do is login to your website FTP and manually delete the one that is having error. If you are not sure which one is causing the error, ensure to check the log to see what are the recent updates and things happened on your website. And also, before manually deleting anything ensure to make a backup of whatever you are deleting.

How to avoid from happening this from AGAIN?

Every website maintainer must have heard of backup tools. And its better not to use any backup tool, but an automated backup tool. I am using is . They have both paid and free version. You can backup into the cloud directly to Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 (or compatible), UpdraftVault, Rackspace Cloud, FTP, DreamObjects, Openstack Swift, and email. The paid version also backs up to Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze B2, SFTP, SCP, and WebDAV.

STEPS: How to Change folder icon?

Every one want a better look for their pc. If its a folder that we created then we can change the icon of that folder. In the following steps i will show you that!


1.Right click on the folder you wish to change icon

2.Go to properties at the bottom

3. Again go to customize.

4. Now you can see how to change the icon buttom

5. Click on that and select the preffered icon

6. Press “OK” or “APPLY”

7. Now you have successfully changed the icon of the folder

Lets watch it in real time

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How do I change multiple multiple folder icon at one?

Yes it is possible to change multiple folder at once. The easiest way to achieve this is to use a software like . These tools will change the many folders icon at once. If you are a developer, you can also code a program to change the icon of files.

Features of folder marker

Key features:

  • Change a folder icon with one click
  • Label folders by priority (high, normal, low).
  • Change a folder’s entire color (or shade of color – light or dark) any time you like! Your choice!
  • Integrated into your Windows Explorer! Right-click on any folder and folder maker will be there
  • Can change the Network folder icon.
  • With Folder Marker you also have two additional options for folder icon changes: “Make customized folder distributable” (portable) and “Apply selected icon to all subfolders”
  • Folder Marker’s menu can contain category submenus.
  • Add your favorite icons and label folders with them. It’s easy!
  • several folders at once
  • Assign an icon to a folder from: ICO, ICL, EXE, DLL, CPL or BMP file
  • Supports 32-bits icons


  • Folder Marker can change the icons of ALL folders in your system. This is the favorite feature of customization lovers. Get rid of monotony! Make your folders your own!

And what’s more – Folder Marker has a FREE edition with basic functions!

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Alternative to folder marker

Another software I recommend for you to use is . The folder painter software is similar to folder marker, So once you install it, It will be pretty straight forward.

Steps: View password of previously connected Wifi networks

Yes! If you have connected to a wifi network ever in your life means that you can see the password of that network. Connected wifi passwords will be stored in your pc and you can easily accsess it. Follow the steps below.


  1. Open CMD
  2. Write the command “netsh wlan show profiles” and press enter
  3. You will see the list of networks you have connected
  4. Write the name of wifi network with previous command.
  5. It will be some thing like this “netsh wlan show profiles wifinetworkname”
  6. After pressing the enter, you will see many information about the network.
  7. Under security setting look for “Security key : Present” (If absent you cant view wifi password)
  8. with previous command type key=clear
  9. Now you will see the password under “security setting”

Final Command will look something like this

netsh wlan show profiles wifiname key=clear

STEPS: Uninstall a font in windows 10

Fonts can be a very important thing when it come to visual. In windows 10 you can easily view the fonts you have installed and uninstall unwanted fonts easily.


  1. Open settings
  2. Click personalization
  3. On right side select fonts
  4. select the font you wish to uninstall
  5. click uninstall
  6. restart the pc to take effect
Watch the vedio tutorial

Change date & time using cmd

Cmd is a common tool every person who knows a computer should try! Cmd or command prompt is program which perform action based on the command we give. using cmd you can do a lot of things easily. Today I am going to show you steps on changing time & date using cmd.


  1. Open start menu and open cmd
  2. Type date and press enter
  3. write the new date and press enter
  4. Again type time and press enter
  5. follow the same steps to change date and time.

To change date & time you need the permission of the administrator. If you dont have the administrator password change the date and time from the boot menu.

Watch the video

WordWeb(Offline Dictionary)

Wordweb is one of the best offline dictionary which i know..Its always good to have a offline dictionary in your mobile.. Wordweb dictionary is available to download from playstore very easily..But the problem comes when you need to download audio files for pronouncestation. It is not available for free.And not available in Maldives region. Today I am going to share you how to download it for free.. First download the apk file(Download Now) After installing you need to download the audio file from the link below Audio File Then go to device storage..Then Android..Then obb…Now you will find a file named “” Paste it their…If it is not their means open the app and search for a word and repeat the process…You may need to clear data the app after these thing… This worked for me

Playstore failed….

Playstore is the best app store of Android. But sometime we face a lot of problems while using playstore. Like it always says that downloading but not downloading…Or unfortunately stopped working… Solution Go to application Manager and search for playstore. After that Clear chache and clear data.Before that remember to close all open apps and forcestop the playstore.At last Restart the device. Advanced Solution This method is for people who had installed custom rom and should know how to install zip file. First install Device hardware info by searching in the web. So you can know which platform you mobile IS. Then goto Gapps official website Gapps Official Website And select download section. So you can now select platform. If ARM is below 8 then select simple ARM and If your arm is above 8 mean you can select Arm64.. Next step is selecting your android version. You can view your android version by going to setting and about device.Then select variant.. When you move mouse near to a particular variant you can see details. If you had problem with playstore means pico is enough..Then download the particular zi file At last you can install the zip file using the custom rom.. Recommendation: Uninstall the current bad playstore If your have any doubt comment below

Did you ever feel difficulty to connect to wifi network?

Fix Windows 10 Can’t Connect to This Network


If any users facing the problem that you are not getting connect to the internet then there are some best solutions for you to try in Windows 10.Depending on the reason,any of these five methods should be able to fix can’t connect to network error message on windows.Here are a couple of methods to solve the Windows 10 can’t connect to this network problem. I’ll list out all the methods you can try to fix can’t connect to this network problem.So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually fix this error.

While you are also here do check How to upgrade to windows 11 without formatting

Method 1: Forget WiFi Network

1.Click on the Wireless icon in the system tray and then click Network Settings.

2.Then click on Manage Known networks to get the list of saved networks. 3.Now select the one which Windows 10 won’t remember the password for and click Forget. 4.Again click the wireless icon in the system tray and connect to your network, it will ask for the password, so make sure you have the Wireless password with you. 5.Once you have entered the password you will connect to the network and Windows will save this network for you.

6.Reboot your PC and again try to connect to the same network and this time Windows will remember the password of your WiFi. This method seems to Fix Can’t Connect to this network issue in Windows 10.

also check this Facebook Group Poster

Method 2 : Run Network Troubleshooter

The Network Troubleshooter in windows 10 is there to help you diagnose and fix common network connectivity issues on your computer and check if it detects the source of the network connection problem on your computer and fix it for you.

1. Right click on windows start button and click on Control Panel.

2. On the control panel screen,make sure that you are in categroy view and click on find and fix problems(See image below)

3. On the next screen click on Internet Connection to start the process of finding and fixing internet connection problems on you computer. also check this Facebook Group Poster

Method 3 : Update Network Adapter Driver

To solve it, you need to update your network card driver.In most situations, Windows 10 can not connect to this network problem is found in the driver of the network card obsolete.

1. Go to Device Manager and expand category Network adapters.

2. Right-click on the network device name, and then select Driver Update Software…

3. Select Search automatically for updated driver software. Follow the steps, then select Close.

If you are a computer novice, you should use a free utility download and update of professional drivers, such as Driver Talent, which could help you find your network card driver problematic in seconds, then download and install automatically the most compatible version in two minutes

1) Download and install Driver Easy.

2) Run Driver Easy and click Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.

3) Click the Update button next to a flagged network driver to automatically download and install the correct version of this driver (you can do this with the FREE version). Or click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system (this requires the Pro version – you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All).

Other than those two method, you can also go to your laptop manufacturers website and download the network driver for the model number of your laptop.

Method 4 : Use Network Troubleshooting 

If the Windows 10 can’t connect to this network issue still persists, you could run the network troubleshooting commands. To do it, take the following steps:

Step 1.  Right-Click on the network icon button at the bottom o your screen.

Step 2.  Click on the troubleshoot problem. Step 3.  Let the computer do the work.

If you watch series you need this

You could register on create anRSS FEED for flash and setup tTorrent on your phone or uTorrent on your pc to get the episode within few hours of tv premier.

I think you would also get the link to last to episodes of the tv serial.

By the way you can get the latest episodes of any show using website.


Or just type showrss in google and follow next

Write protected…NEED HELP?

Write protected is such a common problem which most of us face.But there is a simple method to solve this problem. But it didnt work all the times. Download the following files and start it now 1 2 Thank you

How to download torrent file using idm?

How to download torrent file using idm? Many people believe that most file that are not available freely can be download as torrent file for completely free. At the same time also they believe internet download manager is the best download manager. But the problem is that you cant download a torrent file with IDM or internet download manager. But today I will show you a work around to tackle this issue.


To download the .torrent file we are installing bit torrent or uTorrent etc… But these software’s download speed will vary between seeders of the torrent file. If we download a torrent file in internet download manager mean you need not to worry about torrent seeders. Also you can download these in super speed.

To do this you need to download the torrent file from any website. The torrent file will have the extension “.torrent” and will contains all details about the actual data inside the file. After that you need to upload that torrent file to a cloud website So that it will be converting to a regular download. After the website have downloaded the torrent file in minutes, it will give a direct link for you to download. This direct link can be download using IDM or internet download manager.

There are many cloud websites that offer this service. But my personal favorite is

How Are You Protected when using these websites?

They take your privacy very seriously. What they all do is download the torrent file on their super fast servers and give you a direct link to download it. This way you wont need to torrent, you just need to download the file from the download link they offer. You can use these download link to be used in any download manager including internet download manager. These links will have the full speed of the website that you are downloading from. You dont need to worry about seeders or leachers of the torrent file. 

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Top Online torrent downloading Websites

1. Torrent Safe

Torrent Safe is a torrent downloading client. They provide an extra layer of privacy and security to our users.  As most of these websites, they also have pricing packages. But under the free package you can download over 1 GB of file.  With torrent safe you can also sync your downloads in google drive or drobox easily. 


The pricing plan of torrent safe

About TorrentSafe

Torrent Safe is a torrent downloading client. We provide an extra layer of privacy and security to our users. This torrent downloading service requires no registration, we do not track or log your downloads, after the torrent file has passed to the user the torrent is deleted. Using TorrentSafe is easy, simply provide a torrent URL link or a .torrent file that you would like to download and our service will go to work downloading your torrent. In addition to privacy, we use top of the line blazing fast servers with high bandwidth, this allows for greater download speeds than most home ISPs. Go ahead and give it a try, we always welcome feedback and any way we can improve our service, please make your comments in the customer support section

2. ZbigZ

ZBIGZ anonymous torrent cloud client. The easiest and secure way to download torrents. Download torrents securely and easy! TRY in now!

The pricing of Zbig Z

Zbigz also offers free package. They have two different packages for Registered and Un-Registered users. Check it in the below image

The step by step process to download the torrent files using zbigz

  1. Firstly, get the torrent file magnet link or get the .torrent file..
  2. Now, open ZbigZ on your PC.
  3. Open an account by clicking on “Sign Up” button or use Facebook to create your account.
  4. Paste the torrent magnet file link you copied in first step in the white box or drag and drop .torrent file.
  5. Wait for your download button to appear.
  6. Once you see blue colored “Download: button, click it to start the download.
  7. Now you will start your download just like in any file you download from the web.

About ZbigZ

Zbigz is a passage between tremendous information stockpiling (BitTorrent organization) and you. You don’t have to download and explore convoluted programming. It is conceivable however Zbigz has effectively done it for you. Just info your pursuit question or pick what you need from our routinely refreshed list and download it!

Alternative Methods

The above mentioned were the two well-working methods to download torrents file with IDM, However, internet is crawling with other similar websites. You can always search for alternatives of these methods. However these both are the best two websites for this. Yes, I know these both methods have limitation for free plan, but its the best available for now. You can also check the alternative webites I have listed below. They are also very good at helping you download torrent files using IDM for completely free.

  • BoxOpus
  • PutDrive
  • Torrent Handler
  • Torrent2exe