This tutorial is about how to host a website locally. Which mean at the end of this tutorial, you will be able to access the website you host to be accessible from any device on your network. You might need to host a local web app on office to access it internally or even at home for watching movies, across many device. At the end of this tutorial, you can access this website from any device on your local network. And a quick note I have testing this on windows 11 and on windows 10.
Can you host any type of website?
I have tested this with react application. The important thing is that it should contain index.html or index.php and other static files. You website need not to be in react, it can be a WordPress website or a custom php website with MySQL as database. So, to start you need a web server to serve your files. Don’t worry, its not a big configuration, you just need to install an app. In browser search for download page of xampp server. Once you get there, you can download the latest version. With the help of this software, we will setup the apache server. And if you use MYSQL, then you can install it too.
The XAMPP Server
Once download is completed, open the setup file and install it. Its a simple next, next screen you need to follow. On service selecting screen, you can select what services that need to be installed for you. If you don’t know what these things are then select apache and untick all other options. If you want to use local MySQL database you can tick MySQL option. you can leave all other option as default. Once the installation is completed click finish button to open xampp control panel. When the xamp control panel starts start the apache module. When it starts you should see port 80 under ports. Ensure you have port 80 there.
Xampp Control Panel
Move your website public folder
Click explorer button on xampp control panel and then you can close the xampp control panel. Even though you close xampp control panel, the apache server will be running in the background. Navigate to htdocs folder on the “C://xampp/htdocs” and delete everything there is, to host your website at root directory. Those deleted file are default xampp files and if you want you can also host it on a new folder in here and add folder name to your URL. This way you don’t need to delete those files.
Your website files should be here
Paste your website files on this folder. Ensure you have index.html or index.php on this htdocs folder. Now when you go to localhost on web browser you should see your website live on your PC.
Lets make it accessible from any device on your local network
Many people think this is very hard, or requires a complex configuration, buts its a piece of cake. Open windows defender firewall and navigate to advance setting on left side bar. Under Inbound rule, create a new rule to allow port 80 in your firewall. With this, your device will open port 80 (which is default port for web server). Also, do the same with outbound rule to allow port 80 there also. The reason why we are using port 80 is because, then we need not to specify port when we go to this address. If you do not understand this make sure to watch the video at end on this post.
Adding a custom domain name to your local website
Check the web address, its custom name, You can also add .com or .org etc…
How to access this website using a name of your choice. For that go to rename your PC and rename it to what you want you want domain name to be. You can also rename your PC by going to advance system setting. So if your DNS server is mapping device name to IP ,any device visiting to http your device name will see the website.
However, you cant put .com or .net as your PC name. So if your want access your device using something like, then you need to add a record to your router or dns setting to point that domain name to your IP.
You can get your IP by opening cmd and typing IPCONFIG.
Lets wrap it with video explanation on how to host any website locally
So basically, what we did was, install xampp and put our website in htdocs folder. And to access from any device on my local network, I allowed port 80 on my device.
Yes! If you have connected to a wifi network ever in your life means that you can see the password of that network. Connected wifi passwords will be stored in your pc and you can easily accsess it. Follow the steps below.
Open CMD
Write the command “netsh wlan show profiles” and press enter
You will see the list of networks you have connected
Write the name of wifi network with previous command.
It will be some thing like this “netsh wlan show profiles wifinetworkname”
After pressing the enter, you will see many information about the network.
Under security setting look for “Security key : Present” (If absent you cant view wifi password)
with previous command type key=clear
Now you will see the password under “security setting”
If any users facing the problem that you are not getting connect to the internet then there are some best solutions for you to try in Windows 10.Depending on the reason,any of these five methods should be able to fix can’t connect to network error message on windows.Here are a couple of methods to solve the Windows 10 can’t connect to this network problem. I’ll list out all the methods you can try to fix can’t connect to this network problem.So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually fix this error.
1.Click on the Wireless icon in the system tray and then click Network Settings.
2.Then click on Manage Known networks to get the list of saved networks.
3.Now select the one which Windows 10 won’t remember the password for and click Forget.
4.Again click the wireless icon in the system tray and connect to your network, it will ask for the password, so make sure you have the Wireless password with you.
5.Once you have entered the password you will connect to the network and Windows will save this network for you.
6.Reboot your PC and again try to connect to the same network and this time Windows will remember the password of your WiFi. This method seems to Fix Can’t Connect to this network issue in Windows 10.
The Network Troubleshooter in windows 10 is there to help you diagnose and fix common network connectivity issues on your computer and check if it detects the source of the network connection problem on your computer and fix it for you.
1. Right click on windows start button and click on Control Panel.
2. On the control panel screen,make sure that you are in categroy view and click on find and fix problems(See image below)
3. On the next screen click on Internet Connection to start the process of finding and fixing internet connection problems on you computer.
also check this Facebook Group Poster
Method 3 : Update Network Adapter Driver
To solve it, you need to update your network card driver.In most situations, Windows 10 can not connect to this network problem is found in the driver of the network card obsolete.
1. Go to Device Manager and expand category Network adapters.
2. Right-click on the network device name, and then select Driver Update Software…
3. Select Search automatically for updated driver software. Follow the steps, then select Close.
If you are a computer novice, you should use a free utility download and update of professional drivers, such as Driver Talent, which could help you find your network card driver problematic in seconds, then download and install automatically the most compatible version in two minutes
1) Download and install Driver Easy.
2) Run Driver Easy and click Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.
3) Click the Update button next to a flagged network driver to automatically download and install the correct version of this driver (you can do this with the FREE version). Or click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system (this requires the Pro version – you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All).
Other than those two method, you can also go to your laptop manufacturers website and download the network driver for the model number of your laptop.
Method 4 : Use Network Troubleshooting
If the Windows 10 can’t connect to this network issue still persists, you could run the network troubleshooting commands. To do it, take the following steps:
Step 1. Right-Click on the network icon button at the bottom o your screen.
Step 2. Click on the troubleshoot problem.
Step 3. Let the computer do the work.
You could register onshowrss.infocreate anRSS FEEDforflashand setuptTorrenton your phone oruTorrenton your pc to get the episode within few hours of tv premier.
I think you would also get the link to last to episodes of the tv serial.
By the way you can get the latest episodes of any show usingshowrss.infowebsite.
How to download torrent file using idm? Many people believe that most file that are not available freely can be download as torrent file for completely free. At the same time also they believe internet download manager is the best download manager. But the problem is that you cant download a torrent file with IDM or internet download manager. But today I will show you a work around to tackle this issue.
To download the .torrent file we are installing bit torrent or uTorrent etc… But these software’s download speed will vary between seeders of the torrent file. If we download a torrent file in internet download manager mean you need not to worry about torrent seeders. Also you can download these in super speed.
To do this you need to download the torrent file from any website. The torrent file will have the extension “.torrent” and will contains all details about the actual data inside the file. After that you need to upload that torrent file to a cloud website So that it will be converting to a regular download. After the website have downloaded the torrent file in minutes, it will give a direct link for you to download. This direct link can be download using IDM or internet download manager.
There are many cloud websites that offer this service. But my personal favorite is
How Are You Protected when using these websites?
They take your privacy very seriously. What they all do is download the torrent file on their super fast servers and give you a direct link to download it. This way you wont need to torrent, you just need to download the file from the download link they offer. You can use these download link to be used in any download manager including internet download manager. These links will have the full speed of the website that you are downloading from. You dont need to worry about seeders or leachers of the torrent file.
Torrent Safe is a torrent downloading client. They provide an extra layer of privacy and security to our users. As most of these websites, they also have pricing packages. But under the free package you can download over 1 GB of file. With torrent safe you can also sync your downloads in google drive or drobox easily.
The pricing plan of torrent safe
About TorrentSafe
Torrent Safe is a torrent downloading client. We provide an extra layer of privacy and security to our users. This torrent downloading service requires no registration, we do not track or log your downloads, after the torrent file has passed to the user the torrent is deleted. Using TorrentSafe is easy, simply provide a torrent URL link or a .torrent file that you would like to download and our service will go to work downloading your torrent. In addition to privacy, we use top of the line blazing fast servers with high bandwidth, this allows for greater download speeds than most home ISPs. Go ahead and give it a try, we always welcome feedback and any way we can improve our service, please make your comments in the customer support section
Open an account by clicking on “Sign Up” button or use Facebook to create your account.
Paste the torrent magnet file link you copied in first step in the white box or drag and drop .torrent file.
Wait for your download button to appear.
Once you see blue colored “Download: button, click it to start the download.
Now you will start your download just like in any file you download from the web.
About ZbigZ
Zbigz is a passage between tremendous information stockpiling (BitTorrent organization) and you. You don’t have to download and explore convoluted programming. It is conceivable however Zbigz has effectively done it for you. Just info your pursuit question or pick what you need from our routinely refreshed list and download it!
Alternative Methods
The above mentioned were the two well-working methods to download torrents file with IDM, However, internet is crawling with other similar websites. You can always search for alternatives of these methods. However these both are the best two websites for this. Yes, I know these both methods have limitation for free plan, but its the best available for now. You can also check the alternative webites I have listed below. They are also very good at helping you download torrent files using IDM for completely free.