Basically, a laptop or MacBook with an internet connection is fine. Some software’s I use costs a one-time small fee. I recommended paying a small one-time fee and doing it, however, you can also use alternative software also.
The first step is to create the voice over for your video, The sofware I use for this is the speechelo, If you want you can use some other free software to generate voice. But speechelo has a lot of features and is available througha web app on any device.
Step 2
The second part is to create the video. For this, I use a whiteboard animation software called doodly. What I do is import the audio file I have generated in step 1. After that add relevant texts and images. Once you purchase the doodly, they will show you some video’s on how to use it. And if you need help from us, you know where to find us.
Step 3
For posting I don’t use a seperate software. I just go to the website and schedule them. For instagram posts I use hashtags, which is generated from Best Hashtags
The legendary marketer and freedom breakthrough are the best online business and affiliate marketing training program out there. I have been enrolled in both of this program and I want to give you my opinion on Legendary Marketer vs Freedom Breakthrough. Before I start, I would like to state that “Both of these programs are very good training program”. But of course one will be better than another.
Overview of Legendary Marketer vs Freedom Breakthrough
The legendary marketer is a 15 day online business challenge where a guy named Dave Sharpe teaches everything from scratch. In this 15 days they teaches about how to start online business, built funnels & generate lead and all. One of the best thing about legendary marketer is they support 1 on 1 support when you join the 15 day business challenge.
The freedom breakthrough challenge is a 3 day course where a guy named Jonathan Montoya teaches everything from scratch for beginners. In this 3 days, he will teach you how to setup the perfect funnel for you to start affiliate marketing. He even gives his own book for you to add your affiliate links and to use it as a lead magnet.
David Sharpe is a internet freelance digital marketer who has been featured in Forbes and most importantly he has coached, mentored and worked with thousands of marketers and entrepreneurs. He personally understands their struggles and how to overcome them. He literally went from Park Benches to Park Ave through the Power of Marketing Influence. Not mention that he is a 9th Grade Drop Out Started A Multi-Million Dollar Online Business, From Scratch.
Jonathan Montoya is a 7-Figure internet entrepreneur. He is the founder of Passive Income Lifestyles. He is the GO TO coach and Mentor to thousands of people worldwide looking to quit their 9-5 jobs. Jonathan Montoya started making extraordinary online content in the mid-year of 2019, and quit his normal daily work as an electrical specialist by spring of 2020. At the time he has a degree in electrical engineering. His techniques center on publishing on online platforms such as YouTube/TikTok and utilizing that to drive traffic to his 3 day online business challenge. Assuming you need to figure out how to build an email list, create affiliate funnels, and drive free organic traffic to those channels, you should look at his training online course .
What’s covered in Legendary Marketer vs Freedom Breakthrough Challenge?
The course contents of these might change, so that’s why I want to leave a link to a page where you can see all the details of the course. For legendary Marketer you can visit this page, which contains the topics which will be covered in each day of this 15 day challenge. In this 15 days challenge you can buy other products from them like
Marketer’s Club
Omni-Branding Formula
Traffic University
Affiliate Marketing eBook
Business Blueprints
Again the pricing of these products differs from time to time. The important high ticket product here is business blueprints which as of now costs around $2,500. These are completely optional items they offer in addition to their free email templates, FB ad templates and many other items.
In the freedom breakthrough challenge you get access to the 3 day free training that teaches about the affiliate ecosystem. In this 3 day Jonathan Montoya will build a live affiliate business funnel Infront of you. The best part about this 3 day training is that he will give his book, that you can insert to your own funnels with your affiliate links as a lead magnet. Its all explained in his 3 day challenge.
Once you finish the 3 day challenge (can directly purchase also), you can upgrade to freedom breakthrough challenge 2.0, which covers EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE for you to start your affiliate marketing. If you want check the modules of this 2.0 course click here.
Which is cheaper – Legendary or Freedom Breakthrough?
The main course fee for Legendary Marketer and Freedom Breakthrough is $7. And to be honest that’s just basic course fee that teaches you all these. That been said, once you are in, They will show you different tools of theirs and others tools or services they use. But all of these are completely optional. If you purchase the freedom breakthrough 2.0, you basically gets everything they offer for a one-time price.
Main problem with Legendary Marketer & Freedom Breakthrough
Both of these program are great, but the problem is that in this 2 courses they built their online business on click funnel. Click funnel is the best program out there, But the problem is that click funnel does not have a free plan. Yes, I know about their 15 day free trial, But what if I could not generate a high ticket sale in that 15 days. Should I pay the $97 every month.
The alternative to this is which has a very good free plans with all the features you need to run your business. Even though you can’t import their funnel, you can simply create your own funnel with all those templates in This is what I did when I got started. If you want use, click here to signup for completely free.
Which one should I choose?
If you want start affiliate market and if you are serious about this, You can go to freedom breakthrough 2.0 and purchase the whole course. This course covers everything in one place, so you don’t need to go from guru to guru.
That being said, As beginners we all struggle through money. So please check the below table and select the table course you like.
If you are planning to go for a training program like this, then you should definitely check our free guide on 3 steps to build an online business eBook. In this book we have covered everything you need to know you get started. This book is not a 100 pages long eBook. Its a small guide that contains useful tips and tool that you can use when running your business.
Cold email marketing is basically sending a email to some one without them subscribing to your list. This means that there are a lot of thing you need to be careful when sending bulk cold emails. So before you start cold email marketing be careful to the points mentioned below.
Personalize the email to the recipient
Keep it short and easy to reach
A clear call to action
Warmup your accounts
Setup SPF, DKIM and DMARC records
Do not use spam triggering words like DEAL, OFEER OR FREE
1) How to send cold emails with your Gmail or GSuite?
The Gmail is one of the most used email service in the world. The Gsuite is basically the paid version of the Gmail. If you use a free Gmail account, you are limited to sending a maximum of 500 emails in a 24-hour period, and a maximum of 100 addresses per email.
Gmail Free Plan Details
Limit type
Messages per day Daily sending limit per user account*
2,000 (500 for trial accounts)
Messages auto-forwarded Messages automatically forwarded to another account, not included in the daily sending limit
Auto-forward mail filters Account filters that automatically forward mail
Recipients per message Addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of a single email*
2,000 total per message (maximum of 500 external recipients)
Recipients per message sent via SMTP (by POP or IMAP users) or the Gmail API Addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of a single email. Includes email sent using or*
Total recipients per day Email addresses (recipients) count each time a message is sent; 5 emails sent to 10 addresses count as 50 total recipients.*
External recipients per day Email addresses outside your primary domain, including domain aliases and alternate domains
Unique recipients per day Each email address (each unique recipient) counts only once per day:5 emails sent to 10 different addresses count as 10 unique recipients*5 emails sent to a single address count as 1 unique recipient*
3,000 (2,000 external, 500 external for trial accounts)
If you are using a Gsuite account, ensure to set the DKIM records properly, before proceeding.
Use Gmass Chrome Extension
Gmass is the most easiest way to send bulk cold email using your Gmail or Gsuite account. The above video show’s how its done in a simple step. The next thing you need to worry about is pricing. Check the below setting for more details on the pricing of Gmass.
Gmass Free Plan
GMass already limits free accounts to sending 50 emails per 24 hours, which is well under Gmail’s own limits. The good thing about gmass is you can set a lot of setting to schedule your emails accordingly.
Gmass Pricing
The individual plan start with 19 dollar per month. If you want know about pricing check Gmass Pricing.
2) How to send cold emails with Office 365?
So to start with go to and get your microsoft 365 accounts. While you are there, ensure to get the business plan which starts with jut $5 per month for a user. Enter the required information get your office 365 email. I know this process is little bit complicated, if you are using a business domain. So I will leave a video guide to this below. So ensure to set the Records such as DKIM properly to land your email in the inbox.
Get a application to send emails using office 365 mail
After setting your account you need a application to connect your SMTP server to send bulk emails. For this you can use application such as mautic or Gmass. For details check the below video.
3) How to send cold emails using word & Outlook?
Yes, You read above right. Design your email in Microsoft office word and send the emails using outlook. The outlook is super cool because to start with outlook is completely free and also you can add any SMPT server including Gmail and other common SMPT services in a few clicks. If you want to know more about how I achieve this check this video below, where I explain it all.
4) How to built a cold emailing system to send unlimited emails?
This is super cool, and before you think that this is complicated to setup, Let me tell you that you don’t need to. You can place a order here and get your setup ready in no time. Once you place a order they will setup a emailing system using Postal and mautic. Mautic is an open-source, marketing automation system and is mostly used as a self-hosted email marketing solution. Postal is a complete and fully featured mail server for use by websites & web servers. Think Sendgrid, Mailgun, or Postmark but open source and ready for you to run on your own servers. Postal was developed by a Tech Media to serve its own mail processing requirements and then decided that it should be released as an open-source project for the community.
So basically
Postal will be your SMTP server to send emails
Mautic is the application used. Basically setting auto responders and other automations.
The above contains the most beginner friendly ways to send bulk emails using most common application. If you want a professional solution, I would recommend the Method 4, The one with mautic and postal smpt. Other than this also there are other cold email service providers such as woodpecker, Saleshandy and Snov.
How to show popups when people try to exit your website
Yes, its annoying when people try people leave your website. So today I will show you How to show popups when visitors try to leave your website. This will be super useful, especially if you are running an ecommerce website. That being said, with this method I will show you how to show popups when people try to leave any kind of website. It could be a WordPress website or shopify store or even in Magento application.
To show exit popups you can add a service such as OptiMonk or OptinMonster. After that you can design the popups in the dashboard. From there you can set which pages you want exit popups to appear.
What is OptiMonk and OptinMonster?
OptiMonk and OptinMonster are both powerful popups showing service that you can add to any website. With these tools you can show popups ads not only on page exists, But also on many different conditions. You can manually define rules very easily that allows you to configure when to show popups. On ecommerce websites,, these tools have increased the engagement of sites by 500% or more also. You can read the success story of OptiMonk here and the success story of OptinMonster at here.
The reason you should use these over custom building a exit popup is the ease of use with the lot of highly tested converting templates. The OptiMonk has hundreds of tested templates that you can easily plug and play. The best part about OptiMonk is that you can use OptiMonk for completely free until you get more than 15,000 views per month. Basically at that point you will be generating a good income from the OptiMonk popups itself.
The OptinMonster is also a great and is widely used in industry. But the issue with it is pricing. OptinMonster is not free, and it doesn’t offer a free version (or a “freemium” plan). The cheapest plan starts with $14/mo, and in that plan also they have a limit of 2,500 page views.
OptiMonk VS OptinMonster
Exit Popup
Free Until you get 15,000 (Views/Month)
Starts with $14/mo until you get <2,500 Views
Countdown Timer
A more advanced timer with many option
Limited but necessary option are there
Unlimited Support with free installation on your website
QUICK NOTE:- OptiMonk is cheaper until you get 100,000 pageviews per month. When you hit that limit OptiMonk charges $79/ month, while OptinMonster charges $49/ month (Normally its 80 dollar, but as of now there is a sale in which you can get for $49/mo)
How to show popups when visitors try to leave your website using OptiMonk?
2. Install OptiMonk on your website (You add JavaScript code or just use a plugin)
3. Go to campaigns and click create new & design your exit popup
In here you can click chose a template for the exit popup. On the left side you will see options to filter the templates. Select the template you want in your exit popup.
4. Set the popup to appear on page exit
Once you design and click next, you will be prompt with option on when to show the popup. In here ensure that “On exit-Intent” is select.
In here you can also set the option to show the exit popup only when visitors are exiting a specific page in your website.
5. Activate your campaign
Once your finish design & conditions, go to your dashboard and check if the campaign is active. If it is not just toggle button to activate the popup.
6. Check the popup on your website
How to show popups when visitors try to leave your website using OptinMonster?
1. Sign up to OptinMonster and Add it to your website
As I have explained for OptiMonk, when you sign up you will see the code that you need to add to your website. Also OptinMonster has plugin for WordPress and other platform. You will see this information when you sign up.
2. Create your campaign & design it
In this step also, you can select a template as we did before. Design the popup the way you want it to be.
3. Go to the display rules in the campaign
4. Add exit intent as the rule to the ruleset
5. Click the save button & see it live on your website
Show popups when people try to exit your website
Now if you did everything as explained above, you will see the exit popup when you try to exit the website
Why I choose OptiMonk over OptinMonster
Basically its the pricing, and support I get from optimonk. Pricing is a huge factor, but also the personally I can say that support at optimonk is awesome. I have contacted them regarding some of my campaign they were always there to help me. Furthermore, the GUI and simplicity to find features are super simple. So if you ask me for recommendation, Surely I will suggest OptiMonk
Now that you’ve decided to take the plunge and become a solopreneur by starting your own business, you might be feeling more than a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on your to-do list. Don’t despair. Help is available if you know where to look and how to put together a team of tech support and freelancers to get your business off the ground and keep it flying smoothly. To day we will talk about How to Find Help as a Solopreneur
Forming Your Business
One of the first items on your list is likely forming your business, and this is also one of the first things you may need some help with. The rules and regulations for registering businesses are complex and vary by state. If you want to set up a limited liability company (LLC), for instance, there are affordable business formation services online that can help you file your paperwork and provide all the required documents. Using one can save you time and money.
Handling Computer Issues
Since so much business is done online these days, make sure you have an efficient computer system. Unless you’re a computer whiz, consider hiring a technician to set up your computers and keep them running. Having someone to call when your computer goes offline or your printer gets tied up in knots will give you peace of mind.
Managing the Books
Your business’ finances can get tricky. While you may be excellent at running your business and maintaining the best quality products and services for your customers, you may not be all that great at keeping track of your income and expenses, much less figuring out the complexities of the tax system. Consider hiring a freelance bookkeeper to make sure your books are accurate and complete. Visit a freelancer job site like Upwork, and look through some profiles. Read customer reviews, too, and make sure that the bookkeeper you choose has the experience and skills you need.
Marketing Your Wares
Getting the word out about your business can be a challenge, and you may discover that you need some help in this area. You could hire a web developer to create an eye-catching website for your company or a freelance writer to produce advertising copy, blog posts, or product descriptions. If you want a website feel free to send an email to to get a quotation of a website for your online business. Even think about reaching out to a freelance marketing specialist to put together a whole campaign. This could save you some stress and give your business a major boost.
Keeping Yourself Organized
Finally, as a solopreneur, you probably have a packed schedule and more tasks on your agenda than you can keep track of. Before you pull your hair out, consider hiring a virtual assistant to keep you organized. There are several online companies that specialize in connecting virtual assistants and clients, and your assistant can do everything from managing emails to scheduling meetings to doing data entry.
Flourishing as a Solopreneur
Life as a solopreneur can be hectic, but you can flourish in a business that you love if you know where to turn for help.
Don’t hesitate to get tech support and freelance assistance from Zaarm Tech when you need it.
What if you need everything from scracth
Ok, You might be wondering what the above subheading said. What I mean is lets try to see how to build an business from scratch. The below video contains what you need and how you can start an online business from scratch. Feel free to check this video.