An Introduction

Basically, a laptop or MacBook with an internet connection is fine. Some software’s I use costs a one-time small fee. I recommended paying a small one-time fee and doing it, however, you can also use alternative software also.

What you’ll Need

Laptop / PC



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Step 1

The first step is to create the voice over for your video, The sofware I use for this is the speechelo, If you want you can use some other free software to generate voice. But speechelo has a lot of features and is available througha web app on any device.


Step 2

The second part is to create the video. For this, I use a whiteboard animation software called doodly. What I do is import the audio file I have generated in step 1. After that add relevant texts and images. Once you purchase the doodly, they will show you some video’s on how to use it. And if you need help from us, you know where to find us.

Doodly inside

Step 3

For posting I don’t use a seperate software. I just go to the website and schedule them. For instagram posts I use hashtags, which is generated from Best Hashtags

How to Find Help as a Solopreneur



