Find the most interesting and unusual gadgets with Gadget Flow

Unusual Gadgets

We as a whole realize that there is one individual who is difficult to purchase for. They either appear to have all that they might at any point need or they’re simply fastidious to such an extent that anything you get them is certain to be returned. In any case, have no trepidation; Gadget Flow is here to assist you with finding the most remarkable and peculiar gadgets for even the pickiest individuals on your list.

Gadget Flow is a site devoted to tech sweethearts. They have a great many classifications that incorporate all that, from telephones and tablets to PC frills and home gadgets. Whether you are searching for the most recent in kitchen gadgetry or the coolest new gaming gadget, Gadget Flow has got you covered.

What are the absolute most one-of-a kind and unusual gadgets out there?

There are a few genuinely novel and weird gadgets out there that you might not have known about. From a telepathy headband to a table that transforms into a fire pit, there are a wide range of intriguing gadgets to find.

At any point, would you want to peruse somebody’s care? Indeed, with the NeuroOn OpenBCI headband, you can (kind of). This wearable headband utilizes sensors to peruse your brainwaves and, afterward, sends the information to an application. The application then, at that point, deciphers the brainwaves and can give you data about your temperament and feelings of anxiety, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. The NeuroOn OpenBCI headband is still being developed, but it shows promise as a special gadget that could impact the manner in which we connect with innovation.

LuminoLabs has made a one-of-a kind foot stool that serves as a fire pit. The Lumino Hellfire Table has an underlying ethanol-fueled fire pit that can be utilized to broil marshmallows, cook food, or simply give some additional glow on a chilly day. The table likewise has an underlying cooler, so you can keep your beverages chilled while you partake in the fire.

On the off chance that you’re searching for an exceptional gadget to assist you with remaining coordinated, the MOFT Z Undetectable PC Stand may be exactly what you want. This thin stand joins to the rear of your PC and folds out to help the PC at a comfortable survey point. The most amazing aspect of the MOFT Z Undetectable PC Stand is that it’s basically imperceptible when it’s not being used.

There are a wide range of peculiar and interesting gadgets out there to find. Whether you’re searching for a clairvoyance headband or a table that serves as a fire pit, you can track down a wide range of intriguing gadgets to investigate.

How might you track down these gadgets?

Gadget Flow is a site that is devoted to tracking down the best-in-class gadgets. They have a group of specialists that scour the web searching for the most recent and one-of-a-kind gadgets. When they find a gadget that they believe merits sharing, they add it to their site.

On the off chance that you are searching for special and odd gadgets, Gadget Flow is an extraordinary asset. You can peruse their site and see each of the most recent gadgets that they have found. Assuming you see something that intrigues you, you can tap on it and more deeply study it.

On the off chance that you are searching for a particular sort of gadget, you can utilize the inquiry bar on Gadget Flow. You can likewise use the channels to limit your pursuit. For instance, you can channel by value, class, or brand.

In the event that you pursue a free record on Gadget Flow, you can get redone proposals in light of your inclinations. You can likewise save your #1 gadgets so you can without much of a stretch think that they are later.

Gadget Flow is an extraordinary asset for tracking down interesting and bizarre gadgets. With their assistance, you can track down the ideal gadget for you.

What are a few advantages of utilizing these gadgets?

There are a lot of advantages to using the gadgets on Gadget Flow. They, right off the bat, can assist you with saving time and be more useful. Furthermore, they can be an extraordinary method for remaining coordinated and monitoring your possessions. Finally, they can assist you in remaining sound and fit.

The gadgets on Gadget Flow can assist you with saving time and be more useful by monitoring your timetable and errands. They can likewise be an incredible method for remaining coordinated and monitoring your effects. The gadgets can assist you in remaining solid and fit by checking your wellness level and movement.

Are there any downsides to using these gadgets?

There are a couple of likely downsides to using these interesting and bizarre gadgets. To start with, it might be challenging to track down new parts for or finish fixes assuming something turns out badly. Second, they may not work with different gadgets or be viable with your current setup, meaning you’ll need to put resources into extra items to utilize them. Third, they might be more costly than other ordinary choices. At long last, they might be challenging to utilize or require an expectation to learn and adapt to sort out some way to capitalize on them.

How might you capitalize on these gadgets?

Gadget Suggestion

There’s no question that innovation has made considerable progress as of late, and there are currently a few pretty astonishing gadgets available. Nonetheless, with so many choices out there, it very well may be hard to know where to begin with regards to tracking down the best and most special gadgets.

Luckily, Gadget Flow is here to help. This web-based stage is committed to uniting the best-in-class gadgets from everywhere in the world, and it’s the ideal spot to begin your quest for the ideal gadget for you.

Gadget Flow is home to a colossal scope of various gadgets, from the most recent cell phone companions to creative new home gadgets. There’s something for everybody, and you’re certain to track down something that you’ll cherish.

An incredible aspect of Gadget Flow is that it’s continually being refreshed with new items, so you’ll constantly have the option to track down the best-in-class gadgets. You can likewise pursue the pamphlet to get customary updates about new items and exceptional offers.

In the event that you’re searching for special gadgets, Gadget Flow is most certainly the spot to begin your hunt. With such countless astounding items to browse, you’re certain to track down something that you’ll adore.

Albeit some might think that they are odd, gadgets can be a clever method for breathing easier. The most interesting and weird gadgets are often the most amusing to utilize. With Gadget Flow, you can undoubtedly find and purchase the best-in-class gadgets. From the farthest down the line iPhone to the coolest new robot, Gadget Flow has everything. So assuming you’re searching for something new and weird, make certain to look at Gadget Flow.

Step-by-step instructions to pick the right gadget

Step-by-step instructions to pick the right gadget

With a consistently developing business sector of new gadgets and innovation, it may be difficult to conclude which one is appropriate for you. While making a choice on which gadget to get, you ought to consider your requirements and spending plan.

Consider why you really want the gadget. Whether it is for work, school, or diversion, various gadgets have various purposes. Consider what you will use the gadget for the most. Assuming that you want it for work, you could need something tough that can deal with a ton of mileage. Assuming you want it for school, you could need something small and versatile. Furthermore, in the event that you really want it for diversion, you could need something with a ton of highlights and an extraordinary showcase.

Your spending plan is another significant variable when picking a gadget. With such countless choices available, the costs can go up enormously. Setting a financial plan for yourself and sticking to it is significant. While seeing gadgets, make certain to look at costs and track down the best arrangement. You don’t have to burn through every last dollar to get a decent gadget.

Do all necessary investigations and take as much time as necessary while picking a gadget. By taking your necessities and spending plan into account, you can track down the ideal gadget.

1. Characterize your requirements.

With regards to picking the right gadget, the initial step is to consistently characterize your necessities. Whether you’re searching for another telephone, PC, or gaming framework, it’s critical to ask yourself what you desire to receive in return. For instance, would you say you are searching for something that will permit you to remain associated with loved ones, or would you say you are searching for a way to divert? When you understand what you really want, you can begin to limit your decisions.

On the off chance that you’re searching for another telephone, for instance, you’ll need to consider what sort of highlights mean quite a bit to you. Could it be said that you are searching for something with an extraordinary camera, or do you really want a great deal of extra room? When you understand what you really want, you can begin to contrast various models and brands to find the ideal fit.

The equivalent is valid for PCs and gaming frameworks. When you understand what you really want, you can begin to contrast various models and brands to find the ideal fit. With such countless choices available, it’s critical to make the investment to characterize your necessities prior to making a purchase.

2. Set your financial plan.

With regards to picking gadgets, one of the main interesting points is your financial plan. There are a wide range of gadgets out there, and their value can be very uncommon. You would rather not wind up spending more cash than you can manage, so it’s critical to make a financial plan before you begin shopping.

To set up a financial plan, you’ll initially have to ponder the amount you’re willing to spend. Consider the expense of the actual gadget as well as any related costs like frills, administration plans, or membership charges. Taking into account your own monetary situation is likewise significant. In the event that you’re on a limited financial plan, you might want to be more aware of your spending.

 One method for doing this is to make a rundown of the gadgets you need and their related costs. This will assist you in remaining coordinated and monitoring your spending. You can likewise utilize a planning application or site to assist you with staying focused.

  Gadgets can be an incredible method for working on your life, but they’re not worth venturing into the red. By being aware of your financial plan, you can ensure you get the gadgets you need without burning through every last dollar.

3. Do all necessary investigations.

While you’re searching for another gadget, it’s vital to do all the necessary research to ensure you’re getting the most ideal item for your necessities and financial plan. The following are a couple of things to remember while you’re looking:

To begin with, consider why you really want the gadget. What are your particular necessities and prerequisites? When you understand what you want, you can begin reducing your choices.

Then, investigate your financial plan. How much would you say you would spend on this gadget? At the point when you have a cost range as a primary concern, you can begin checking out items that fit within that range.

At last, read audits of the items you’re thinking about. Search for impartial audits from individuals who have really utilized the item. This can assist you in finding out about the advantages and disadvantages of every choice.

By carving out the opportunity to do all necessary investigations, you should rest assured that you will track down the most ideal gadget for your necessities and financial plan.

4. Think about your choices.

There are a couple of things you ought to remember while looking for gadgets. To begin with, ponder why you really want the gadget and what its motivation is. This will assist you with reducing your inquiry and tracking down the right gadget for you.

Then, think about your financial plan. How much would you say you are willing and ready to spend on another gadget? This is critical to consider, as you would rather not wind up spending beyond what you can bear.

At last, set aside some margin to check your choices out. There are a ton of gadgets out there, so take as much time as is needed to track down the right one for you. Look at elements, costs, and more to track down the ideal gadget for your requirements and financial plan.

5. Purchase the right gadget.

  The main thing is to ensure that the gadget is ideal for your requirements and financial plan. Finding a respectable source is likewise significant.

The following are a couple of tips to assist you in buying the right gadget:

1. Decide on your necessities.

Before you even begin taking a gander at gadgets, it means quite a bit to make a stride back and survey your necessities. What do you want the gadget for? What are your particular objectives? When you have a decent understanding of your requirements, you can begin searching for a gadget that meets them.

2. Set a spending plan.

Gadgets can range in cost from a couple of dollars to a few thousand bucks. It is vital to make a financial plan before you begin looking so you don’t wind up spending beyond what you can bear.

3. Investigate as needed.

When you have a good idea of what you want and the amount you’re willing to spend, now is the ideal time to begin investigating as needed. Understand audits, analyze costs, and search for any arrangements or limits. This will assist you with reducing your choices and tracking down the best gadget for your necessities and spending plan.

4. Purchase from a respectable source.

When you’re ready to buy, make certain to purchase from a respectable source. This will assist with guaranteeing that you’re getting an excellent item.

5. Adhere to the maker’s directions.

When you have your new gadget, make certain to peruse the producer’s directions. This will assist you in benefiting from your new gadget and guaranteeing that it lasts long into the future.

On the off chance that you’re searching for another gadget, taking into account your necessities and budget is significant. There are a ton of extraordinary choices out there, so set aside some margin to explore what’s accessible. Whenever you’ve reduced your decisions, you can pursue a choice in light of your particular prerequisites. With a smidgen of cautious preparation, you can track down the ideal gadget to suit your requirements and financial plan.

How to host any website locally – ANY CUSTOM DOMAIN

how to host any website locally
how to host any website locally

Lets see how to host any website locally

This tutorial is about how to host a website locally. Which mean at the end of this tutorial, you will be able to access the website you host to be accessible from any device on your network. You might need to host a local web app on office to access it internally or even at home for watching movies, across many device. At the end of this tutorial, you can access this website from any device on your local network.
And a quick note I have testing this on windows 11 and on windows 10.

Can you host any type of website?

I have tested this with react application. The important thing is that it should contain index.html or index.php and other static files. You website need not to be in react, it can be a WordPress website or a custom php website with MySQL as database.
So, to start you need a web server to serve your files. Don’t worry, its not a big configuration, you just need to install an app. In browser search for download page of xampp server. Once you get there, you can download the latest version. With the help of this software, we will setup the apache server. And if you use MYSQL, then you can install it too.

The XAMPP Server

Once download is completed, open the setup file and install it. Its a simple next, next screen you need to follow. On service selecting screen, you can select what services that need to be installed for you. If you don’t know what these things are then select apache and untick all other options. If you want to use local MySQL database you can tick MySQL option.
you can leave all other option as default.
Once the installation is completed click finish button to open xampp control panel.
When the xamp control panel starts start the apache module. When it starts you should see port 80 under ports. Ensure you have port 80 there.

Xampp Control Panel
Xampp Control Panel

Move your website public folder

Click explorer button on xampp control panel and then you can close the xampp control panel. Even though you close xampp control panel, the apache server will be running in the background. Navigate to htdocs folder on the “C://xampp/htdocs” and delete everything there is, to host your website at root directory. Those deleted file are default xampp files and if you want you can also host it on a new folder in here and add folder name to your URL. This way you don’t need to delete those files.

Your website files should be here

Paste your website files on this folder. Ensure you have index.html or index.php on this htdocs folder.
Now when you go to localhost on web browser you should see your website live on your PC.

Lets make it accessible from any device on your local network

Many people think this is very hard, or requires a complex configuration, buts its a piece of cake. Open windows defender firewall and navigate to advance setting on left side bar. Under Inbound rule, create a new rule to allow port 80 in your firewall. With this, your device will open port 80 (which is default port for web server).
Also, do the same with outbound rule to allow port 80 there also. The reason why we are using port 80 is because, then we need not to specify port when we go to this address. If you do not understand this make sure to watch the video at end on this post.

Adding a custom domain name to your local website

Check the web address, its custom name, You can also add .com or .org etc…

How to access this website using a name of your choice. For that go to rename your PC and rename it to what you want you want domain name to be. You can also rename your PC by going to advance system setting. So if your DNS server is mapping device name to IP ,any device visiting to http your device name will see the website.

However, you cant put .com or .net as your PC name. So if your want access your device using something like, then you need to add a record to your router or dns setting to point that domain name to your IP.

You can get your IP by opening cmd and typing IPCONFIG.

Lets wrap it with video explanation on how to host any website locally

So basically, what we did was, install xampp and put our website in htdocs folder. And to access from any device on my local network, I allowed port 80 on my device.

How do the following categories of computer differ from each other?

How do the following categories of computer differ from each other?

How do the following categories of computer differ from each other?

How do the following categories of computer differ from each other?

What are the 4  types or categorized of computer?

The four basic type of computers are Micro Computer, Mini Computer, Mainframe Computer and Super computer. Computers are classified into different types based on their size and speed. Each of these types of computers are used for different reason based on their features and properties. 


The Micro Computer

blank business composition computer
Photo by Pixabay on

The micro computer is the most common type of computer that we use in day to day life. Destop computers, laptop, personal digital assistant, smartphones and tablets are example of micro computer. These computers are widely used and it spread very fastly. The main reason for this is because it is cheap and most people can afford it easily. The calculator we used in our school life is also a micro computer. Mostly these computers are designed to be used by one user at a time. The terms microcomputer relates to the microcomputers which is used in these computers. The use of this microprocessor is to process data and instruction codes. It also can be used for entertainment purpose, education and work purpose.

The micro computers include a memory (to store data) and minimal input/output circuitry mounted on a single printed circuit board. Microcomputers weren’t much popular until 1980s with the advent of powerful microprocessors. The first microcomputer is known as the Altair 8800. It was produced by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS), and invented by Ed Roberts. This microcomputer does not have a operating system. Anyway, it accepts the commends entered via a row of switches, because it also didn’t have a keyboard.

The Minicomputer

black flat screen computer monitor
Photo by Josh Sorenson on

The Minicomputers or mid-range computers are the computers which is bigger than a microcomputer and smaller than a mainframe computer. In general, we can say that minicomputer is a multi-processing system capable of supporting from 4 to 200 users simultaneously. One of the main purpose of the minicomputer is to support a small group of users with reasonably powerful computing capability. That’s why minicomputers are mainly used by small companies and firms. The online catalog in many libraries are run by minicomputers.

The setup of minicomputers allowed many people to access computers, which results in a spurt of new application around the world. Minicomputers are introduced in 1960s. Digital Equipment corporation has developed the PDP-1 ( a minicomputer) in that time. The one of the most popular minicomputer is Texas Instrument TI990. It was a series of 16 bit minicomputer sold by Texas Instrument in the 1970s and 1980s.

The Mainframe Computer

a businessman raising his hands for being successful
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on (Laptop in photo is not a mainframe computer)

The Mainframe computer is large and expensive types of computers which can support thousand of users simultaneously. These kinds of computers are mainly used by governments and large organization with thousand of customers, for bulk data processing, critical applications, transaction processing, census, industry and consumer statistics among others. These computer are very powerful but not as much as supercomputers. It can store and process terabytes of data. Mainframe computers can be accommodated in large rooms, because of their size and air condition is necessary due to the heat it produces.

In Maldives companies like Ooredoo or dhiraagu (service providers) can use these kind of computers to store theirs customers data securely.  The main difference between a mainframe and supercomputers is that a supercomputer channels all its power into executing a few programs as fast as possible, whereas a mainframe uses its power to execute many programs concurrently.

The Supercomputer

high angle view of a man
Photo by Pixabay on

The supercomputers are extremely fast computer which can perform hundreds of million of instruction in fraction of seconds. They are the fastest computer in the world. These are very expensive and used for special application that requires lot of mathematical calculation. The weather forecasting and nuclear energy researches are done using the supercomputers. These computers are also big in size like mainframe computers due to its numerous parts and components involved in their design. One of the example of supercomputer is Tianhe 2. Tianhe-2 also known as TH-2 is a 33.86-petaflops supercomputer. It is located in China. It was developed by a team of 1,300 scientists and engineers.

Compare and contrast the bounded and unbounded transmission medias in detail?

Compare and contrast the bounded and unbounded transmission medias in detail?

Compare and contrast the bounded and unbounded transmission medias in detail?

Compare and contrast the bounded and unbounded transmission medias in detail?


Compare and contrast the bounded and unbounded transmission medias in detail?

The every communication between two device is transmitted. Even when you send anything from one device to another device its transmitted. The way or what is used to transmit this data is called transmission medias. It might be some sort of wire like a normal copper wire or even a radio frequency signal which is transmitted through the air or now we call it wireless. The Bounded means its some sort of physical item like cable and unbounded means wireless or its transmitted on air.

While you are here also check out How do the following categories of computer differ from each other?

The bounded media

The Bounded media are physical cables that travel through a narrow path. It is mainly made up of external conductor such as copper and covered by a non conductive material. It is also known as wired or guided media. The Bounded transmission means having connectivity between a source and destination using a wire or cables. So in bounded media signal will be travelling through the wire to its destination. The signal will not leave, except for smaller leakage amounts in bounded media. There are 3 types of bounded media. They are coper twisted pair, copper coaxial cable and optic fiber cable.

The Copper Twisted Cable

In coper twisted pair, two insulated wires or cable will be twisted together. The coper twisted pair is also again classified into two types known as shield twisted pair (STP) and unshielded twisted pair (UTP).

The Shield Twisted Pair

The shield twisted pair or STP is cables with the techniques of shielding, cancellation, and wire twisting. In shield twisted pair or STP the twisted pair of wire will be covered or wrapped in a metallic foil. The reason for covering the twisted pair of wire is to protect the transmission line from the noises and electromagnetic interference leaking into or out of the cable. Shielded twisted pair or STP are used in places like airports where there is too much noises. The unshielded twisted pair or UTP wire are not covered or wrapped in a metallic foil.

The un-shielded twisted pair

The unshielded twisted pair wire is cheaper than the shielded twisted pair wire. The twisted pair cables are used in homes and offices as ethernet cable. These cable supports low to high data rates but are not high as optic fiber cables. Other than ethernet cables, twisted pair wire is used in telephone communications also.

The coper coaxial cable

The coper coaxial cable are the cable which has a inner conductor(D) surrounded by tubular insulting layer©, surrounding by a conducting shield(B) and there is a outer plastic shield(A). The usually inner conductor is a solid copper, stranded copper or copper plated steel wire. The coper coaxial cable has a better shielding compared to shielded twisted pair or STP. Therefore, these cable have much more noise immunity and data transmission without distortion. Other than that these cable transmit digital signal  at very high rate. This is one of the reason why coper coaxial cable is used for video transmission. The cable tv also uses this type of cable for their transmission. It is also used in long distance telephone lines also.

The Fiber Optic

macro photography of orange fiber optic lamp
Photo by Guillaume Meurice on

The optic fiber cable is similar to an electrical cable, but optic fiber cable contain one or more optical fibers that are used to carry light. The optical fiber elements are typically separately coated with plastic layers and contained in a protective tube suitable for the environment where the cable will be deployed. The fiber optic cable has very high bandwidth more than 2 gigabytes per a second. It is used for long distance telecommunication and to provide high speed data connection. The optic fiber cable use both analog and digital signal and are not affected by electromagnetic interference, so noise and distortion will be very less. However, these cable are very expensive and difficult to repair once its broken.

The unbounded Media

antenna contact dawn dusk
Photo by Pixabay on

Unbounded media is in which the data transmission occurs through the air, commonly known as wireless. It is also known as un-guided or wireless media. Some example of unbounded media are microwave, radio wave, infrared waves and satellites. Microwave transmission use a transmitter and receiver with a clear path. If the path is not clear means it cant transmit data. Some times due to heavy rain and wind also it cant transmit data. But in radio transmission line of sight or clear sight is not necessary because radio waves can pass through the buildings. Infrared wave uses infrared light wave to transmit signal and can be blocked by hand or objects. Most type of remotes uses Infrared waves to transmit signal. The satellite transmission uses satellites to transmit signal. There are many satellites around a planet in a elliptical path.

Lets compare and contrast the bounded and unbounded transmission medias in detail 

Now that you have understood what is bounded and unbounded transmission media’s, lets put some point out some important details

  • Bounded media’s are physical wires
  • Unbounded media’s are wireless
  • Bounded media’s include copper twisted pair cables and fiber optic cables
  • Unbounded media’s include radio transmissions and satellite