Explained the categories of E-commerce in shortest way possible?

Explained the categories of E-commerce in shortest way possible

Explained the categories of E-commerce in shortest way possible

If you are a business or tech person, ecommerce is thing you have to bother in your career. As the internet have expanded, so does the e-commerce. As of now people differentiate the categories of e-commerce in to 6 types. In this tutorial, I will try my best to Explained the categories of E-commerce in shortest way possible. Also check out Merits and Demerits of E-commerce

There are 6 basic types of e-commerce:

· Business-to-Business (B2B)

o   The e-commerce between two or more business. We can also that when one company sell or buy products from another company.

· Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

o   This is the most common type of e-commerce. It is between The company and their consumers.

· Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

o   This is also a common type of e-commerce as the e-commerce is between consumers.

· Consumer-to-Business (C2B).

o   Some times Consumers are also selling items to the companies. That is known as Consumer to Business.

· Business-to-Administration (B2A)

o   This is when a company sell or buys products from the government.

· Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

o   This is like applying for police report online. A consumer is going to get a service from government.



Now lets Identify these websites belongs to which category of E-commerce why?

· https://www.ibm.com/us-en/

o   Business to Business

· https://www.walmart.com/

o   Business to Consumer

· https://www.ebay.com/

o   Customer to Customer

· https://www.gsaadvantage.gov/

o   Business to Government

· https://www.cignaglobal.com/

o   Consumer to Government

Explained the categories of E-commerce in shortest way possible

The above have explained the categories of e-commerce in shortest way possible, But lets summarize what we have covered so far. There are 6 types of e-commerce categories. They are business to business (B2B),  Business to consumer (B2C), Consumer to consumer (C2C), Consumer to business (C2B), Business to administration (B2A) and Consumer to administration (C2A). Now lets have a clear meaning of these terms we used
  • Business
    • The company or a registered business
  • Consumer
    • The end user or the normal people who use the service
  • Administration
    • Government