IG scraper

Great Question. Let me answer all your questions! 1) The program wont save your credentials. If you feel like not writing your Instagram credentials, Open an another Instagram account for just this. 2) If you are scrapping too many emails non stop, Instagram will put a temporary ban on your current. Even though they put this temporary hold, you can login to Instagram on pc or mobile and use it. If you are non-stop scraping, There is chance for Instagram to ban your account. But if you use our resume and pause feature effectively chances are very low, and so far it happened to no-one according to our knowledge. 3) We are not sure about what you meant by accuracy. The software will extract if the users have a public emails. So the number of email depends on the users followers setting to display their email or not. The good thing is that you can use this program to scrape unlimited users of instgaram. Maybe not in one day, but you can always use this program. 4) We do not take scrape accounts request, But if you are unsure about this, Check below video’s which shows scraped lists https://youtu.be/zHkwPxyjOLs https://youtu.be/92Hr5feOXY8

“ReferenceError: window is not defined” in next js when using react-draft-wysiwyg?

Yes in next js you have to import the “react-draft-wysiwyg” dynamically. Basically what is happening is that when the module loads the windows object is not defined. So what you need do is import the react-draft-wysiwyg when windows object is available. To achieve this please use the below code. import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; const Editor = dynamic( () => import('react-draft-wysiwyg').then(mod => mod.Editor), { ssr: false } ) import "react-draft-wysiwyg/dist/react-draft-wysiwyg.css"; Please use the above code to solve “ReferenceError: window is not defined” in next js

C++: To find the area of a rectangle and triangle using a derived class rectangle and a derived triangle from the base class polygon (Inheritance)

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Polygon { protected: int width, height; public: void set_values(int a, int b) { width = a; height = b; } }; class Rectangle: public Polygon { public: int area() { return (width * height); } }; class Triangle: public Polygon { public: int area() { return (width * height/2); } }; void main() { Rectangle r; Triangle t; clrscr(); r.set_values(4,5); t.set_values(5,10); cout<<“Area of Rectangle = “<<r.area()<<endl; cout<<“Area of triangle = “<<t.area(); getch(); } The objects of the classes Rectangle and Triangle each contain members inherited from Polygon. These are: width, height and set_values(). The protected access specifier is similar to private. Its only difference occurs in fact with inheritance. When a class inherits from another one, the members of the derived class can access the protected members inherited from the base class, but not its private members. Since we wanted width and height to be accessible from members of the derived classes Rectangle and Triangle and not only by members of Polygon, we have used protected access instead of private.

C++: To find the area of a rectangle using friend function

class Area_Rectangle
int width, height;
void set_values (int,int);
int area()
return (width*height);
friend Area_Rectangle duplicate (Area_Rectangle);
void Area_Rectangle::set_values (int a, int b)
width = a;
height = b;
Area_Rectangle duplicate (Area_Rectangle r)
Area_Rectangle rec;
rec.width = r.width*2;
rec.height = r.height*2;
return (rec);
void main()
Area_Rectangle rect, rectb;
int w, h;
cout<<"Enter values for width and height"<<endl;
cout<<"Width: ";
cout<<"Height: ";
rect.set_values (w,h);
rectb = duplicate (rect);
cout<<endl<<"Area of rectangle: "<<rectb.area();