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How to Do Affiliate Marketing Without Followers? (2022)

how to do affiliate marketing without followers

Want to make money with affiliate marketing but don’t have a social media following? 

Although having a dedicated following can help, it’s not a necessity. 

In fact, you don’t even need social media for affiliate marketing. 

But, how to do affiliate marketing without followers, you ask?

In this post, we’ll help you start and grow an affiliate marketing business without a single follower. 

Let’s get started.

How to Do Affiliate Marketing Without Followers?

How to Do Affiliate Marketing Without Followers

Create a Blog

Blogging is arguably the most effective way to do affiliate marketing. 

In fact, a majority of successful affiliate marketers are also bloggers. 

But, how do you grow an affiliate marketing blog from scratch?

Here’s how. 

Pick a Niche

In order for you to make affiliate sales, your blog posts need to rank on the first page of Google.

This can get pretty tough when you’re talking about everything under the sun. 

Picking a niche reduces the competition, which improves your chances of success. 

For instance, if you want to talk about online business, pick a particular type of business. 

Create Great Content

Content is your blog’s lifeline. Only with high-quality, SEO-friendly content can you rank your blog posts on Google’s first page for the long term. 

Plus, your content needs to be valuable and satisfy search intent. 

In addition, use simple language and write short sentences and paragraphs. 

Spread the Word

Even the best-quality content can’t generate traffic if nobody knows about it.  

So, as soon as you publish your affiliate posts, share them on relevant platforms. 

This can also help you build authority with Google and other search engines. 

Still asking how to do affiliate marketing without followers? Luckily, there are plenty of other ways. 

Leverage Email Marketing

Blogging and email marketing should complement each other. 

Here’s how:

Pro Tip: Include your social media links at the end of your emails to build your following. 

However, keep in mind that some affiliate networks don’t allow link insertions in emails. Amazon Associates is one popular example. 

So, before using affiliate links within your emails, make sure you’re complying with the rules of your affiliate program. 

Use Parasite SEO

Parasite SEO refers to ranking your content by piggybacking on another domain’s authority. 

For instance, you can post your affiliate content on high-authority sites like Medium, Quora, and Reddit. 

Another powerful way is to publish affiliate blog posts on other high-DA blogs (Guest blogging). 

Forum posting can also help you do affiliate marketing without followers. 

Just make sure the content you post there is valuable and not too promotional. 

However, keep in mind that parasite SEO shouldn’t be your only strategy. 

You want to build an affiliate blog of your own for better control over your content and long-term success. 

Create YouTube Videos

Now, what if you prefer to be on the camera and don’t like writing blog posts? 

YouTube affiliate marketing would be perfect for you. 

The cool thing is you don’t need a single follower to make money on YouTube. 

Simply create helpful videos and include affiliate links in your descriptions. 

Keep in mind that, unlike Google, YouTube showcases your videos in multiple locations.

This includes video results on the first page of Google and the suggested videos section on YouTube. 

So, don’t forget to include your target keyword in the title, video tags, and description. 

It’d help improve your videos’ visibility, allowing you to generate affiliate sales without followers. 

You can even do affiliate marketing on YouTube without showing your face.

One way to do that is by creating slideshow videos using an AI video tool like InVideo

The software converts text into slideshow videos with one click. 

So, if you’re still asking how to do affiliate marketing without followers, here’s the best way:

That way, you’d have two incredibly powerful ways of generating traffic, and won’t have to build a social following at all.  

Now, this was all about how to do affiliate marketing without followers, for free!

But, if you can invest, you can always generate quicker results with the following two strategies. 

Here is a video in which I have explained how to do affiliate marketing without followers.

Work With Influencers

Influencer marketing is a perfect way to get in front of a relevant following without even building one. 

When you work with the right influencer, you’re essentially selling your affiliate products to their audience. 

The tricky part is to find the right influencer to work with. 

What you can do is go on social platforms like YouTube and Instagram and search your target keywords. 

Find the channels that are already talking about products in your industry. 

Get in touch with them and see if they want to partner up with you. 

Here are a few things you need to keep in mind to find the right influencer:

Create a list of influencers you’d want to work with and send them an invite. 

Needless to say, you’ll have to offer something in return, which is almost always monetary compensation. 

This makes influencer marketing ideal for affiliates that have a decent starting budget. 

Use Pay-Per-Click Ads

Ad platforms like Google ads offer a quicker way to generate affiliate sales. 

You can also promote your affiliate products with social media ads, but they might not be the best option. 

This is because people don’t generally visit social media to buy anything. 

So, you’d have to be a lot more convincing to get a good ROI (return on investment). 

On the other hand, search engine advertising (e.g., Google Ads) tends to be more effective since you can get in front of a warmer audience. 

That said, it can be tricky to execute a cost-effective PPC strategy, especially when you don’t know what you’re doing. 

So, it’s a good idea to stick with organic methods first and only use paid ads once affiliate sales start rolling in. 

Conclusion: How to Do Affiliate Marketing Without Followers

If you’ve read this far, you have the strategies you need to be a successful affiliate marketer without relying on social media. 

Here’s a quick recap:

We hope you’ve enjoyed the post and are ready to implement these affiliate marketing strategies. 

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