Now a days its a trend to create vertical short video’s for platforms like tiktok, YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels. Today I will go through a python script that creates automated tiktok video in python. Everyone like when its automated. You do not need to do any work, Just run the script, and you get a video to post to your favorite platform.
To create automated tiktok video in python, all you need to do is run this script, that generates both video and thumbnail. With this script you can generate quiz, did you know, facts video’s and many more.
What features do this automated video generator have?
This script is focused on generating the everything you need to post to tiktok or youtube shorts. This mean this automated video generator will give you a video and a thumbnail for you to post to platforms you like.
The main features of this script include:
- Generate Video
- Generate High Quality Thumbnail
- Add Voice Over
- Add Background Music
- Change Video Duration
How does this script work?
This python script will use a file called data.csv as the information needed to generate the video. This sheet contain 4 column, the category, question, answer and searchKey column. The category column contains a heading that will be used at top of the video and thumbnail. The question is the main text that will popup when you start the video. After 7 seconds, the text in answer column will popup. I think now you get the idea of how this is going to work. The searchKey column contains the keyword related to the video. With the text in searchKey column, the script will fetch images and video for the image from pixabay.
The pixabay is a great website that provides Stunning free images & royalty free video’s. This mean that photo and video from pixabay can be used in video’s that we monetrize. You can full write to use this video and images. It wont create any problem with tiktok or youtube monetarization. The best part is that, you do not even need to give credit to the pixabay or owner. But it is always nice to mention them in the description and thank them.
Can I modify the video duration?
def editVideo(self):
baseClip = VideoFileClip(
Clip = baseClip.set_duration(16)
On the “main.py” go to editVideo function. On that function you can see that I have set the clip duration to 16 seconds. Just change the 16 seconds to what ever the number you wish. As a result, the average duration of the clip will increase. But if you change the total duration, also be sure to edit the Question and Answer duration
heading_clip = TextClip(
str(self.category), fontsize=100, color='white', bg_color=f'rgb({self.color})', font='Swis721-Cn-BT-Bold-Italic', align='center', kerning=6, transparent=True)
heading_clip = heading_clip.set_pos(
Just below the Clip you can see a new variable called “heading_clip”. In here also I have called “.set_duration(16)”. This mean that the heading of the video (category in data.csv) will be in the video for 16 seconds. You can always adjust this amount to be shorter or not.
question_clip = TextClip(
str(self.question), fontsize=130, color='white', stroke_color='black', stroke_width=5, font='tahoma-bold', align='center', method='caption', bg_color=f'rgba({self.color},0.5)')
question_clip = question_clip.set_pos(
answer_clip = TextClip(
str(self.answer), fontsize=130, color=f'rgb({self.color})', stroke_color='black', stroke_width=5, font='Rockwell-Extra-Bold', align='center', method='caption', bg_color='black')
answer_clip = answer_clip.set_pos(
'center').set_duration(6).margin(10, color=(236, 240, 241))
Again you can see the both question clip and answer clip. In here using the set_duration I have set the duration of the Question and Answer. The answer will popup on screen right after the question duration is over. So to make the video perfect, its best to keep in mind.
How to generate automated thumbnail?
The above is a sample of a thumbnail that will be generated using this script. The script will take your question as the main text in the thumbnail. But with a single line of code you can change this. This script will be very easy for you to modify if you have any knowledge of programming. Always remember that you can contact admin@zaarmtech.com to get the support you need. Like I mentioned above, The image is fetched from pixabay using the searchKey from data.csv file.
How to add the background music?
On the current directory you can see a file named “keys.py”. On the second line of this script there is a variable named “BACKGROUNDAUDIOFILE”. Add the name of the background music file to this variable. You can add a longer music file also. The script will automatically take only the required length of this audio based on the duration of video file. This audio will be played in the background during the whole video.
If you know the python programming language, you can edit this audio file to adjust the volume and the duration if you wish. But as for the demonstration of this tutorial I will be keeping this in this way, which is much simpler.
Which language does this automated script is coded on?
This script is coded on python. Python is very popular programming language, which is known for automation tasks like this. The main library used in this youtube automation script is moviepy. Moviepy is a python library used for editing video’s in python. Other than moviepy I have used other libraries such as requests, pillow. Requests is used to fetch the images and video’s from pixabay. The thumbnail that you see generated is done mainly used with the pillow library. If you want to know about this script visit to our facebook messenger inbox. We will be more than happy to share details.
Can I monetarize a YouTube channel with this script?
The short answer is that you can earn money by posting YouTube Shorts. YouTube has created a shorts funds to value creators. To earn money from YouTube shorts you do not need to be in YouTube Partnership Program. The YouTube Shorts Fund is a $100M fund to reward creators for their dedication to making creative, original Shorts that delight the YouTube community. YouTube will reach out to thousands of creators each month to tell them that they qualify for a Shorts bonus from the fund.
Other than earning from YouTube shorts funds, you can use YouTube shorts to promote promote products. My YouTube channel is about 1 thousand subscribers as of now, but still I get brand deals to my inbox, without having to ask or promote. Other than that YouTube shorts is a great traffic source for websites and affiliate products.
You can also use YouTube shorts to boost your YouTube channel subscribers. Because of the way YouTube shorts shelf is designed, its very easy to subscribe to YouTube channels. If you want your channel to blow up, YouTube shorts is the place.
How do I get this Script?
This YouTube Shorts Generator Script is worth hundred’s of dollars, because with this script YouTube script you can built an automated YouTube Shorts Channel that pays you a lot more than this. But Today I am giving you this script for less than $50 dollars.
The script itself wont make your channel explode. The most important thing is to keep posting daily. YouTube loves creators who post daily and its fair to say that, If you start posting daily the YouTube algorithm will start promoting your content for you.
To get this software click the “add to cart” button and go checkout. If you have any problem downloading, send us a chat message using the messenger icon at bottom right corner.