The PDF is something that we need to deal on a regular basis. However these when it comes to converting a PDF to Image on android I have seen people struggling. This is why I decided to break down the process into a simpler way. The first thing is that some mobile photo implemented this feature on production and others did not. There are 2 common ways:
- With any pdf reader (without installing an app)
- Using toolkit application (installing a app)
PDF to IMAGE without installing an app
This might sound surprising, But there is a way to convert the PDF files into image file without having to install any application. Yes as I have mentioned above some mobile phone manufactures implement a feature to convert pdf to image on android. This option can mainly found when you open a PDF file using system default PDF reader. If you cant find this option, don’t worry there is a work around.
Even though your mobile not have this option, you can easy open the pdf file and zoom to that area of the presentation you would like to make a image, and screenshot this area. Mostly you can take screenshot by pressing volume up button and power key. I know that in some documents, the quality wont be great, This is why we have a second method down below using our mobile app toolkit.
PDF to IMAGE using our toolkit box
The toolkit box is an application designed by us for everyone with simple android tools, that you need daily.
These tools will help you to perform a lot of tasks by using your mobile phone. All of the tools are native, means that this is not a web application, and operations are performed natively and its super fast. Convert between different file types and even recognize the text from printed material in offline mode with the tools in this application. The most important feature in this app is that you can save the files generated by these tools to your device easily.
These tools include
=> Image to PDF Convertor
=> PDF to Image Convertor
=> Speed Test
=> Text to Speak
=> Stopwatch
=> Device Info
=> Unit Convertor
=> Time Convertor
=> Day Calculator
=> Text Recognition
=> QR Code Generator
=> Flashlight
=> Crop Image
=> QR Code Scanner
All of these tools are full offline, Means that you do not need internet connection to use these tools.
The first thing is for you to head over to playstore and download this application. After downloading open the tool and select PDF to IMAGE option.
As you can see in the above screen, all you need to do is select the PDF file that you wanted convert to image and it will be saved to my files folder on the application in image format. It is simple as that.